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About Us

About DNQR


  • An unexpected death of a person with a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form or advanced directives may put their medical proxies in a tough spot if the directives are unavailable.
  • The onus of responsibility should not be put on a family member or loved one of the unresponsive patient. There should be newer standards.


  • Standardized QR codes that can be read by any EMT via an app and integrated with EMR systems
  • ○QR codes can be a small tattoo on the body if desired and/or religiously permissible, a sticker on a cell phone, a keychain, or on a patient’s vehicle ⇒ significant sales opportunities
  • QR codes will link to all medical details, such as all advanced directives, medical proxies/emergency contacts, allergies, doctors, and medications taken – whatever an EMT needs on site to make life-saving decisions

Quality of Care Services

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Standards of Treatment

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Immediate Access to Critical Information:

  • Ensures that vital medical directives are readily available to emergency responders, reducing the risk of misinterpretation or delay in treatment or in unnecessary treatments

Peace of Mind for Users and Their Families:

  • Utilizing DNQR enables individuals and their loved ones to gain peace of mind knowing that their medical preferences will be honored, even in unforeseen circumstances

Efficient and Effective Emergency Response:

  • Streamlining the emergency response process, enabling responders to make informed decisions quickly and effectively, ultimately saving lives

Comprehensive End-of-Life Planning:

  • DNQR’s postmortem features allow users to include crucial information (on a premium subscription model) such as last wills, estate details, and funeral/burial preferences, facilitating comprehensive end-of-life planning end ensuring that their final wishes are communicated and honored 

Streamlined Executor Responsibilities:

  • Centralizing postmortem info with DNQR through its premium offering reduces the burden on executors and loved ones, streamlining the administrative process during an emotionally challenging time
Our Team

Meet With Our Team

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Consultant & Startup Advisor

Tamar Weinberg

US-based serial entrepreneur with 20 years of business experience in a multitude of industries, including early stage startups. Consultant and startup advisor. Tamar currently owns Weinberg Global, a BPO operation that will successfully close 2024 with approximately $4 million in revenue.



Serial Entreprenuer

Shahzaib Malik

Serial entrepreneur who runs the Pakistani satellite office of Weinberg Global, currently an authorized ISP reseller and call center for the sale of networking electronics. Shazaib’s strategic position running a team of over 100+ makes much of our business development efforts possible. 


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(+021) 2336 278

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Go to Market Strategy

Targeted Business Development:
  • Identify key stakeholders within the healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, emergency services, and insurance providers.
  • Implement a targeted outreach strategy to engage decision-makers and establish partnerships for integrating DNQR into existing healthcare systems and workflows.
Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems:
  • Prioritize integration with popular EHR platforms to streamline access to DNQR’s medical directives and ensure compatibility with existing healthcare infrastructure.
  • Leverage partnerships and API integrations to facilitate seamless data exchange between DNQR and EHR systems, enhancing interoperability and user experience.
Collaborative Partnerships:
  • Forge strategic partnerships with healthcare institutions, emergency services, and medical associations to promote DNQR as the standard for accessible medical directives.
  • Collaborate on joint marketing initiatives, pilot programs, and educational campaigns to raise awareness and drive adoption among target audiences.
Direct-to-Consumer Marketing:
  • Implement targeted marketing campaigns to raise awareness and drive adoption among individual users, caregivers, and families.
  • Utilize digital channels, social media platforms, and healthcare forums to reach individuals who can benefit from DNQR’s services and encourage them to sign up.
Employee Benefits Programs:
  • Partner with corporations and employers to offer DNQR subscriptions as part of employee benefits packages, promoting employee wellness and safety.
  • Provide resources and support to HR departments to facilitate seamless integration of DNQR into existing benefits offerings and employee communications.
Professional Training and Education:
  • Offer training programs and educational materials to healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and caregivers on the importance of DNQR and how to effectively utilize the platform.
  • Host webinars, workshops, and certification courses to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and skills needed to incorporate DNQR into their practice.
Continuous Improvement and Feedback Loop:
  • Establish mechanisms for collecting user feedback, monitoring performance metrics, and iterating on DNQR’s features and functionalities.
  • Actively engage with users, partners, and stakeholders to identify pain points, address concerns, and drive ongoing improvements to the platform.
  • Book an Appointment

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  • Conduct Checkup

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  • Perform Treatment

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  • Prescribe & Payment

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Emergency Calls Medical Care 24/7

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(+021) 2336 278

Funding Needs

Product Development:

  • Allocation of funds towards further development and enhancement of DNQR’s digital platform, including software updates, feature additions, and user experience improvements.
  • Investment in research and development to innovate and stay ahead of evolving technology trends and user needs in the healthcare industry.

Marketing and Promotion:

  • Budget for marketing and promotional activities to raise awareness of DNQR among target audiences, including individuals, caregivers, healthcare providers, and emergency services. Investment in digital marketing campaigns, advertising, and participation in industry events to drive user acquisition and adoption.

Business Development and Partnerships:

  • Resources for business development efforts aimed at establishing strategic partnerships with healthcare institutions, emergency services, technology providers, and other stakeholders.
  • Funding for partnership collaborations, integration initiatives, and joint marketing campaigns to expand DNQR’s reach and market penetration.

Regulatory Compliance and Certification:

  • Funds for ensuring regulatory compliance and obtaining necessary certifications and accreditations, such as HIPAA compliance and data security certifications.
  • Investment in legal and regulatory consulting services to navigate complex healthcare regulations and ensure DNQR’s continued adherence to industry standards.

Infrastructure and Operations:

  • Budget for infrastructure investments to support DNQR’s scalability and reliability, including server maintenance, cloud hosting, and data storage solutions.
  • Funding for operational expenses, including staffing, administrative overhead, and customer support services to ensure seamless platform operation and user satisfaction.

Contingency and Growth Reserve:

  • Establishment of a contingency fund to address unforeseen challenges, mitigate risks, and respond to market fluctuations or competitive pressures.
  • Allocation of funds towards a growth reserve to capitalize on strategic opportunities, pursue expansion initiatives, and scale DNQR’s operations in response to market demand.

Challenges/Barriers to Entry

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Compliance with healthcare regulations and standards, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), may pose significant barriers to entry for new competitors.
  • DNQR’s adherence to regulatory requirements and its established compliance framework create barriers that new entrants must overcome.

Technological Barriers:

  • Developing a secure and scalable digital platform like DNQR requires substantial investment in technology infrastructure, software development, and data security measures.
  • DNQR’s proprietary technology and established platform architecture serve as barriers to entry for competitors attempting to replicate its functionality.

Brand Recognition and Trust:

  • Building brand recognition and establishing trust within the healthcare industry and among users is a significant barrier for new entrants.

Strategic Partnerships and Integration:

  • Much time and effort will need to be spent on a wealth and breadth of strategic partnerships with healthcare institutions, emergency services, and technology providers.
  • Cost of integration may also pose a problem for many potential customers.

Quality of Care Services

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Standards of Treatment

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